Discworld Sam Vimes Trivia

Discworld Sam Vimes Trivia

How much do you know about Sam Vimes from the Discworld?
Q1. What was the first Discworld novel Sam Vimes appeared in?
Q2. What is the name of Sam Vimes's wife?
Q3. What role did Vimes have at school for a whole term one?
Q4. What street gang was Vimes a part of when he was a child?
Q5. Which nickname does Vimes share with one of his ancestors?
Q6. At what age did Vimes join the Watch?
Q7. In Night Watch who did Vimes replace when he traveled back in time?
Q8. Where was the original base for the Watch?
Q9. Which 'Species' does Vimes have an explicit dislike for?
Q10. Which guild keeps trying to kill Vimes?
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