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What's his/her fave candy?
Fave song?
Fave place to go for a date?
Do they like to sing/dance?
What's their hobby?
Fave color?
Your and his/her's first kiss?
First date when and where?
Fave drink?
Are they social or anti social?
Best thing about him/her?
Does he/she think your a good kisser?
Fave sport?
Do they play sports?
If so what?
Do you two text 24/7?
If not why not?
Do you flirt with anyone other than your bf/gf?
Do you truly love him/her?
If so how much?
Would you like to make this survey public?
Enter your nickname
Leprechaun Name Generator
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Redneck Name Generator
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Snowman Name Generator
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