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Do you believe in Bigfoot?
Have you seen Bigfoot?
Do you believe in Aliens?
Do you think you have ever seen an Alien?
Do you believe in Ghosts?
Have you ever seen a Ghost?
Have you ever been afraid of the dark?
Would you be afraid if you came face to face with a ghost?
Did you ever think you saw the boogie man?
Do you believe there are huge birds that can pick up a small child?
Are you afraid of clowns?
Do you believe in zombies?
Would you become a ghost if you had a choice?
Do you think there were Dragons?
Would you like to have a Dragon if you could?
Would you like to make this survey public?
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Leprechaun Name Generator
Get your Leprechaun Name with our Leprechaun Name Generator
Redneck Name Generator
Get your Redneck Name with our Redneck Name Generator
Snowman Name Generator
Get your Snowman Name with our Snowman Name Generator