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Are you going away for Christmas?
What are you expecting for Christmas?
Is Christmas your favorite holiday?
Do you like to decorate the tree?
Where do you put the tree in your house?
Do you watch Merry Christmas Charlie Brown every year?
What is your favorite thing about Christmas?
What is the best Christmas you have ever had?
Are yoou spending Christmas with family?
Do you beleive in Santa Claus?
Do you always look in your stocking at Christmas?
How much money will you be spending on other people this Christmas?
Are you going to a Christmas parade this year?
What is the best Christmas present you ever got?
What state are you spending Christmas in?
Do you text Merry Christmas to everybody you know?
Would you like to make this survey public?
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Leprechaun Name Generator
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Redneck Name Generator
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Snowman Name Generator
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