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How old are you?
How old is your partner?
Are you male or female?
Is your partner male or female?
What is your religion?
What is your partner's religion?
Is your religion important to you?
Your partner?
Which category best describes your relationship: living together (not married), Married, lived together then got married, Divorced (lived with spouse before marriage), Divorced (Did not live with spouse before marriage), Other
What is your primary reason for lliving together: Financial, Sexual relations, Trial marriage, Afraid of a failed relationship, Not applicable, Other
How long do you expect your relationship to last: greater than 5 years, less than 5 years, Life long, Not sure
How long do you want your relationship to last?
What are your expectations for your relationship?
Does your current relationship meet your expectations?
Knowing what you know about your relationship, would you make the same decision to be in a relationship with him/her again?
Would you like to make this survey public?
Enter your nickname
Leprechaun Name Generator
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Redneck Name Generator
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Snowman Name Generator
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