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Has anyone ever fallen in love with you?
If so, who?
Has more than one prson fallen in love with you?
If so, how many?
Have you ever been in love?
If so, how many times?
With who?
Do you believe in God?
If not, why?
Are you a christian?
Do you go to church?
Do you believe you have to go to church to be a good christian?
If you could go back in time and change something about history, what would it be?
If you could go back in time and change something about your own history, what would it be?
If you could see into your future, would you want to?
Why, or why not?
Do you often think about the
Is it hard for you to stop thinking about the past?
If so, why?
Do you dwell on the past, live in the present, or hope for the future?
If you could change anything about your generation, what would you change?
Do you think you are a good person?
Are you happy with who you are?
When you were a kid, what did you want to grow up to be/do?
Did you accomplish that?
Do you have any regrets in life?
If so, what is your biggest regret?
Do you know the difference between right and wrong?
Are you pro-choice or pro-life?
Do you have good morals?
Which is worse breaking the law or disobeying one of the seven biblical commandments?
If an enemy or stranger is breaking the law, would you
If a freind or family member was doing the same, would you
Do you worry more about what your parents think of you or your friends?
Have you ever broken the law?
Would you like to make this survey public?
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Leprechaun Name Generator
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Redneck Name Generator
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Snowman Name Generator
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