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Have you been feelin loved
Have you had the guts to say I love you to anyone and mean it
Do you love anyone right now
Do you know anyone who loves you
Do you have a stalker
Do you know if you have a stalker
Do you like someone who your friends dont approve of
Tell me what you are feeling right now
This survey is all about feelin cause I am a girl what are you
Do you care for this survey at all or did you want to express your feelings
How many times have you felt love
If you have felt love explain if you can
Love is like a war, easy to begin, hard to end do you agree
Soo how many people have you felt a strong urge to just jump on them and makeout
I feel like crap when i get dumped explain your last dump
For question 15 who and where and you
Would you like to make this survey public?
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