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Would you eat a bug?
Would you bungee jump?
Would you hang glide?
Would you kill someone?
Would you kiss someone of the same sex?
Would you parachute from a plane?
Would you walk on hot coals?
Would you be a vegitarian?
Would you instant message a stranger?
Would you sing karaoke?
Would you run a red light?
Would you shoplift?
Would you dye your hair blue?
Would you be on survivor?
Would you wear make-up in public?
Would you not wear make-up in public?
Would you cheat on a test?
Would you make someone cry?
Would you date someone more than 10 years older than you?
Would you like to make this survey public?
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Leprechaun Name Generator
Get your Leprechaun Name with our Leprechaun Name Generator
Redneck Name Generator
Get your Redneck Name with our Redneck Name Generator
Snowman Name Generator
Get your Snowman Name with our Snowman Name Generator