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Favorite color?
Favorite animal?
Favorite food?
Single or taken?
Any brothers or sisters?
Where would you like to live?
Your last text from?
What does the third text in your inbox say?
Do you have a crush?
Like anyone you can't have?
Ever been in love?
If so with who?
Do you want to be in love?
Ever had a job?
Do you find yourself attractive?
Favorite song?
One initial of someone you like?
Do you drink?
Ever gotten drunk?
Who are you talkin to?
Wha are you listening to?
Ever ate so much you couldn't take it?
Ever liked someone so much you couldn't breath?
Ever liked someone so much it scared you?
Regret anything in your past?
Whats your biggest regret?
Are you tired of taking this?
If so why are you still taking it?
Would you like to make this survey public?
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Leprechaun Name Generator
Get your Leprechaun Name with our Leprechaun Name Generator
Redneck Name Generator
Get your Redneck Name with our Redneck Name Generator
Snowman Name Generator
Get your Snowman Name with our Snowman Name Generator